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Year 1

Hello and Welcome to Year One!

Class Teacher: Mrs Bechley

Teaching Assistants: Mrs Finnie (AM) and Mrs Crisp (PM)

 Term 5

This term our PE days will be on Monday and Tuesday. Please ensure that your child wears the appropriate school PE kit for these sessions and that they bring to school a water bottle filled with water every day.


We will be learning to identify the features of different genres. We will be learning different riddles and then using features from our writing toolkits to create our own riddles.

In addition, we will be learning the features of an information text and using this knowledge to help us to create our own information texts linked to school life at Victoria Road.

We will recap on using our sound knowledge to attempt to write the different sounds to write words. We will learn to use these words to help us to write simple sentences using finger spaces, correctly orientated letters and accurate use of punctuation, including question marks, exclamation marks and full stops.  We will be learning to extend our sentences using the conjunctions, 'and' and 'but'. 

We will recap on using our sound knowledge to attempt to write the different sounds to write words. We will learn to use these words to help us to write simple sentences using finger spaces, correctly orientated letters and accurate use of punctuation. 

​We will use our spelling scheme called Spelling Shed, which will continue to encourage the children to learn spellings, by identifying and using spelling patterns. You can follow the QR codes to practice the spellings at home.

We will be having Talk through Stories sessions throughout the week, daily story sessions and a weekly whole class reading session where we will be developing reading skills linked to VIPERS (Vocabulary, Inference, Prediction, Explanation, Retrieval and Sequencing)

We will be visiting the library during the term to share stories with the library staff and to choose some new books for our classroom.


Year 1 is a really important year as we continue to build on the phonics knowledge which was secured in Reception. We will continue to teach the children Set 1, 2 and 3 sounds following our Read Write Inc Phonics scheme. The children are assessed every half term to progress through the Read Write Inc Phonics programme with accuracy and fluency. All Y1 children will take the National phonics screening check in June. 


We will be recapping on prior learning about number and place value  as well as continuing to learn to count in multiples of 2’s, 5’s and 10’s. We will be beginning to learning multiplication and division by learning to make groups, and arrays as well as sharing equally. We will move on to fractions,  and finding half and a quarter of a quantity.  Finally we will finish the term with describing turns and position in our Geometry learning.


We will be learning that there are seven continents in the world. We will learn that there are countries within each continent. We will explore new vocabulary including global scale, equator, north and south pole. We will compare different Urban areas and rural areas in the world. We will look at the human and physical features of Naro Moru.


 We will be learning that humans are omnivores but that soe people choose to only eat plants.  We will learn that humans are made of different body parts including head, neck, back, eyes, ears, nose, mouth, arms, shoulders, elbows, legs, teeth, knees, toes, face.

We will learn that humans have five senses and that the five senses are each associated with a body part.

Please see the topic map below for further details of all subjects covered this term.

Home learning

It is really important that the children  read as often as possible. Please try to read with your child at least three times a week. They will be rewarded with this helping them to make progress with their reading and developing a love of reading, but also with a reading raffle ticket which could mean they win a new book!

In addition, children have Numbots logins which allows them to work through different levels on the TT Rockstars site to practice their mental maths skills.

Weekly spellings are also sent home via Spelling Shed. 

Curriculum Map

Topic Webs

Term 5

Term 4

Term 3

Term 2

Parent Meeting Autumn Term 2023

What is the Phonics Screening Check?

Children usually complete a word-reading check at the end of Year 1 so that parents can be confident their children are being taught to read successfully. This check will take place in June 2023.

Children read 40 words. It takes between two and five minutes. If they do not manage to read 32 of the words, they are given extra support, and repeat the check in Year 2. The 'pass' mark of 32 is subject to change by the government and schools will be notified some time in June of this figure. 

All children at VRPS will be supported to learn phonics using the RWInc phonics program

Year 1 will take the Phonics Screening check during the summer termWe politely request that parents ensure children in Year 1  are in school during the administration of the phonics Screening Checks. A phonics support pack will be sent home at February half term to help to support the children with their phonics learning.

Ten top tips from Read Write Inc

1. Saying sounds correctly This is really important when you are helping your child to learn the sounds. Just remember not to add an uh to the end of the consonant sounds – so say mmm not muhlll not luh, etc. because then later it’s easier to blend the sounds together to make words.

 2. Linking sounds to letters Encourage your child to make a link between the sound and the written letter shape. Start with the sounds in your child’s name and then look out for them in signs. The sound m in McDonalds is always a good starting point too!

 3. Sounds represented by more than one letter Some sounds are represented by more than one letter such as sh inshipch in chatth in thinqu in quick and ng in sing. When you’re out and about point out examples of these to your child too. You might see them in posters, signs, or leaflets.

 4. Practise, practise, practise Build up a knowledge of the letters and sounds quite quickly with your child and keep practising so that it becomes automatic. Keep reminding ‘Do you remember when we were talking about the sound ch...?’, or ‘Oh look! There’s a big t (sound) on that poster!’.

 5. Putting sounds together to read simple words Say the sounds c-a-t to read catsh-o-p to read shop and s-t-r-ee-t to read street. If your child gets stuck and is struggling to blend the sounds, say the sounds yourself, quickly, until your child can hear the word! Only beginner readers need to sound out every word as they read all the time. But, they will still need to work out new and long words.

 6. Tricky words Some everyday words in English have tricky spellings and can’t be read by blending. Imagine trying to read the word said or does by blending each letter! These are sometimes called high frequency tricky words, or Red words. These words just have to be learned by sight and flashcard-type games are a good way to practise these.

7. Reading books Schools using a synthetic phonics scheme are likely to be sending home decodable books. This means the books contain mostly words that children can read by sounding out to get them off to a good start with independent reading. After your child has read a page, you can read it aloud again, to make sure that the story is enjoyed and understood.

8. Using pictures Pictures are great for sharing and talking about a story (which is really important too!) but don’t encourage your child to use pictures to guess the words that they don’t already know.

9. Writing letters Teach your child how to write the letters as the letter sounds are learned. And don’t forget to show your child how to hold the pencil correctly too!

10. Common sense ... Lots and lots of books! Carry on sharing and reading lots and lots of stories and information books to and with your child. Praise and hugs! Most importantly, remember that your child will learn much faster with encouragement, praise and hugs

Phonics Parent Presentation 

Useful Information