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Year 2

 Welcome to Year 2!

Class Teachers: Mrs Bambridge (Monday-Wednesday) and Mrs Anderson (Thursday-Friday)

Support Staff: Mr Jessep and Mrs Crisp (AM)

We are very excited to welcome you all to the Year 2 Class Page. On this page there is lots of information about our learning this term and how you can support your child. You will have regular updates in the school newsletter including photographs of the children's learning, so please look out for them.  

We pride ourselves on having an 'open door' policy in Year 2 and hope that all our parents/ carers feel that they have regular contact with members of staff from the year group team. If you require any support, please do not hesitate to contact us using our email addresses or by making an appointment via the main office.

We very much look forward to working with our Year 2 friends and families this year. 

Kind Regards,

Year 2 Team


Our PE days this term are Monday(Outdoor PE) and Tuesday(Indoor PE).  Please make sure your child has school shorts, school t-shirt, tracksuit if cold, trainers or plimsolls. 


In May, you will have all received a letter about our PSHE topic this term which focusses on life cycles, the differences between boys and girls and changes to the body.  If you would like to talk to a member of staff about any questions or issues that arise from these lessons, then please don't hesitate to catch one of us or send an e-mail.  All topics are dealt with in an age-appropriate manner and with sensitivity, but it may result in some difficult conversations at home, and we are here to support you and the children should you need us.

Home learning:

It is really important that the children read as often as possible. Please try to read with your child at least three times a week. They will be rewarded with this by helping them to make progress with their reading and developing a love of reading, but also with a reading raffle ticket, which could mean they win a new book!

We have recently started them on their Times Table Rock Star journey, which they will continue throughout their time at Victoria Road Primary School.  Their login details can be found in their reading planner.  We love to see them succeed, and they will have an opportunity to compete against the whole school; some have already had achievement awards at our Friday awards ceremony.

Weekly spellings continue to be taught on a Monday, and they can access their spellings via the Spelling Shed Website - login details can be found in the reading planner.  All completed home learning is rewarded back in school with Dojo points.

If any child does not have access to a tablet, mobile phone or laptop, then we can help them complete their work before school or whenever necessary.  Please pop in to arrange this so we an achieve the set outcome for your child.

Topic Webs


The children are enrolled on Accelerated Reader which provides comprehension quizzes.  The results of these can be viewed at home.

Children use a software program called Renaissance Place at school. This program has a special feature called Renaissance Home Connect, which you can access outside of school from any computer with an Internet connection. Renaissance Home Connect is fun and easy to use. It allows the teacher, and you to share information about children's progress in Accelerated Reader.  You can log in to Renaissance Home Connect from any computer with an Internet connection and compatible browser. Children have been given their user names and passwords.  To log in to Renaissance Home Connect Website:

If you'd like to receive emails showing your student's quiz or test results, click the Email Setup link.

I have had a couple of questions about logging on from home.  First - this is definitely possible, they can do quizzes and children can also use myON e-book library and daily myON News service - freely available for the duration of the closures. It will allow pupils to access at home, on tablet and laptop, an e-library of over 7000 books. Children can browse through books on myON. Once they have read the book, they can then log into your schools Renaissance site and click the Accelerated Reader tile. They can then search for the book and take a quiz. Please note that not all books on myON are quizzed. 

The address to use to get to AR is: