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Vision and Values

Our visions and values are at the core of everything we do. They underpin our teaching and learning, and provide an environment which prepares our pupils as confident, happy citizens.

Our Trust Mission Statement, Vision and Values

Our Strapline: ‘Believe you can. Together we will.’

Our Mission: ‘Together we will…work with our children, families and communities to provide exceptional learning opportunities for all our children.’

Our Vision: ‘Together we will … be a family of schools ensuring excellence in primary education.’

Our Values: Together we will … make the following commitments:

Aspiration Together we will … not let disadvantage be an obstacle to success.

Excellence Together we will ... achieve the best outcomes for all.

Collaboration Together we will…work to harness the collective power of all.

Inclusivity Together we will…celebrate the unique nature of our diverse school communities.

Kindness Together we will…be caring and thoughtful in everything we do.

Respect Together we will... act with integrity and honesty.

The current 18 schools are; High View, Knowle, Mayflower, Mount Wise, Mount Street, Prince Rock, Salisbury Road, Shakespeare and Woodfield, Elburton, Ford, Hooe, Hyde Park Infants, Hyde Park Juniors, Pomphlett, Plaistow Hill, Victoria Road & Widewell

Our school vision 

  • Every child should feel valued, safe and happy in our school (Belong)
  • Every child learns best when the curriculum is fun, engaging and creative (Enjoy)
  • Every child should be encouraged to develop their full potential (Aim high)
  • Every child should be taught to be aware of the feelings, wishes and rights of others (Respect)

We aim to achieve this by working as a team-staff, parents/carers, governors and the local community to:

  • Create a safe and nurturing environment where emotional well-being is supported
  • Promote high standards of behaviour and an environment where everyone is valued as individuals
  • Have a broad and balanced curriculum that is fun, hands on, creative and which is personalised to the children's needs
  • Have high quality teaching which inspires, motivates and engages all children and which develops a lifelong love of learning
  • Celebrate effort and produces confident pupils who are prepared to take risks and aim high
  • Focus on developing, caring individuals who have mutual respect for others and who will grow up to be caring and responsible citizens

Our Guiding values and principles which underpin our curriculum 

We aim to 'move forward' together with children and families by focussing on our four curriculum drivers. These are:

-Global citizenship


-Thematic learning (making links between subjects and prior learning)

-Locality and belonging