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Welcome to the Early Years at Victoria Road!


                     Ms Targett                                                      Mrs Finnie                                              Miss Toms

                 Class Teacher                                             Teaching Assistant                                     Apprentice

Information about our school day

Arrival between 8:35 and 8:40 via the main reception.

School day starts at 8:40. 

Collection: 15:10 via the playground 

We have a lovely area for learning where the children are able to access the classroom and outside area during child-initiated learning. We access the outside area during all weathers so please ensure that wellies and a waterproof coat is provided. 

We ask that you try and read a minimum of three times at home with your child and record this in their reading record diaries. 

We do a formal PE lesson once a week, this will be on a Wednesday. Children can come to school wearing their PE kits.

PE kits should consist of:

Blue/white Polo shirt

Black/blue shorts or leggings/jogging bottoms. 

Suitable trainers

Find out what we will be learning about at school 

Below you will find some information about our themed learning. We follow the children's interests and plan activities in response to their needs so these plans can change. We follow Development Matters, first of all focussing on the prime areas of development, before working on the specific areas and then the Early Learning Goals. Practical, fun and engaging task are planned for the children to access during their play and when working with an adult. 

Autumn Term 1: "Me and My World"

This term our topic is "Me and My World". The children will be learning about themselves, their emotions and how they differ from others. We will be spending vast amount of time supporting each other to settle within the classroom and build those relationships with peers and adults. 

We will be looking closely at what makes us who we are and why we are all special. We will learn about each others families and take note of what each other has to say and ask questions to help us understand and know more. 

Children will learn about the importance of having rules and boundaries within the classroom but also in the wider school. We will create classroom rules using Mr Potato's head to demonstrate the difference parts of his body and how we use these within the environment. For example, kind hands, looking eyes, listening eyes etc.

We will be using the following texts within our Literacy sessions this term. 

Here is our Topic Web for this term:

Autumn Term 2: "My Heroes"

This part of the term, our topic is "My Heroes". The children will be learning about non-fictional and fictional heroes and heroines, will be discussing what they have in common and how they can help us. During this term children will learn about Florence Nightingale and why she is an important person in our history. 

Children will think of themselves as a hero. They will share their ideas of how they would help others and whether they would have superpowers or not and what those superpowers would be. 

We will be using the following texts within our Literacy sessions this term. 


Here is our Topic Web for this term:

Autumn 2 Topic Web. 

In addition, we will also be sharing stories linked to Halloween and Bonfire night:


Spring Term 1: "Castles, Knights and Dragons"

This term our topic is "Castles, Knights and Dragons". Children will be learning new vocabulary linked to castles. For example, tower, turret, drawbridge. They will be discussing what they think the inside of a castle looks like and the jobs that people do within the castle grounds. The children will be writing lists and invitations to invite others to the castle. 

We will be looking closely at real castles and those people that live in them. This will include the royal family, past and present. We will compare castles from around the world, discussing the similarities and differences. 

The children will also be learning and joining in with songs linked to castles, knights and dragons. For example, The Grand Old Duke of York, Old King Cole and The Queen of Hearts. 

We will be using the following texts within our Literacy sessions this term. 


Here is our Topic Web for this term:

'The Super Six'

Have a look at what key texts, songs, poems and rhymes we will be using this year:

Curriculum Overview for 2024-2025

Reception Yearly Overview 

How parents and carers can support learning at home

Phonics and reading

Share stories with your child everyday. When they begin to read you can also support them with learning to read their own books at home. The videos below will support you with an understanding of phonics and reading with your child.

Why read to your child?

What is RWI Phonics?

Understanding phonics

How to say the sounds

Parent support: how to listen to your child read


Singing counting songs and rhymes with your children can support their early maths development. Fun maths games or numberblocks clips can also support with their understanding of number. See the links below:

BBC Learning- Counting Songs

Top Marks Maths games


Behaviour and Routines

Here is a useful guide to support parents and carers with their children's behaviour at home. This guide explains how you can set consistent boundaries, build positive relationships, give rewards and praise to manage behaviour. We hope you find it useful:

NSPCC Positive Parenting Guide

Children starting school in September 2025