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Welcome to the Nursery at Victoria Road- A place full of excitement and laughter and where every day is an adventure! 

We are a provision where every child is nurtured and supported to learn and develop in a high quality play led environment. The staff team have a wealth of experience and work closely together to develop young children through their early years.

We value and promote a natural environment where children's interests and fascinations are used to build a broad and balanced curriculum. Children's language development is carefully planned for through a story rich environment with language and vocabulary at the heart of practice. We build strong emotional and social skills which develop their wellbeing as they build confidence in their learning and in their relationships. Active learning is a key part of the provision and children's physical development is well-supported. These key areas are the grounding for the Specific Areas of the Early Years Curriculum and enable children to make outstanding progress and good outcomes.

We have a lovely area for learning and exploring. The children are able to access the classroom and outdoor area through child-initiated learning. We access the outdoor area throughout the year so please provide named wellies for your child. We love jumping in puddles, digging in the sand and riding bikes in all kinds of weather.

We plan a wide range of opportunities for the children to learn through fun, hands on experiences in both adult led and child initiated activities. We use Development Matters to guide the planning of our activities.  We focus on the three prime areas which are made up of : Personal, Social and Emotional development; Communication and Language and Physical Development.

Children will be given opportunities to learn at their own level and we often follow the children's interests to help us plan fun and exciting activities.

We take children from 2 years old to 4 years old and accept Me2 funding, 15 and 30 hours funding and 3-4 year old places for children within our community.


The Early Years team work in partnership with families and build strong and ongoing relationships, working together to ensure the very best outcomes for children. A strong multi-agency approach promotes child development, early identification of need and research led practice to support early intervention.

We share the day-to-day life and experiences of the nursery children through Tapestry and like to catch families informally on a daily basis to ensure strong working partnerships to the benefit of understanding the whole child.

Our Nursery children are supported by: 

Mrs Smith (Nursery Teacher)

Mrs Carne (Nursery HLTA)

Miss Glanville (Nursery Teaching Assistant)

Mrs Harrison (Nursery Teaching Assistant)

Mrs Whear (Nursery Teaching Assistant)

Our Learning

Click on the following links to see the topics that we will be learning about in each term and throughout the year. We follow the children's interests and plan activities in response to their needs so these plans can change. 

Nursery Topic Grid 2023-24

MT plan Term 5

Autumn Term 1 My Senses and Me

This term our topic is 'My Senses and Me'. The children will be finding out about some of the amazing things our bodies can do. They will be learning about our five senses and how we use them to explore the world around us. The children will be encouraged to think about the things they like to smell, taste, touch, hear and see.

Autumn Term 2 Nursery Rhymes

This term our topic is 'Nursery Rhymes'. The children will be talking about the nursery rhymes that they already know. They will be learning a selection of nursery rhymes using actions to help remember the words. The children will be encouraged to talk about their favourite nursery rhymes. They will be given the opportunity to sing a nursery rhyme of their choice to their friends in nursery. 

Spring Term 3- Bears Bears Everywhere!

This term the children will be reading books featuring a variety of bears. They will be learning about similarities and differences between bears. The children will be encouraged to talk about why they think bears are different colours and why they eat different things. They will investigate hot and cold places and the bears that live there. The children will begin the term reading 'Goldilocks and the three bears', they will be encouraged to question if it is right to steal someone's food and go into a house uninvited?  

Spring term 4- Down on the farm

This term the children will be reading books featuring farms and farm animals. We will be reading a selection of fiction and non-fiction books. The children will learn about the different animals that live on a farm. We will look at animal life cycles and talk about the correct names for the young of animals. The children will be encouraged to express opinions about the things they learn

Summer term 5- Once Upon a Time

This term, the children will be reading a wide selection of books and learning new songs and rhymes. They will be talking about the stories and encouraged to role-play scenes from the books. In our maths learning this term the children will continue to develop their counting skills. They will be exploring weight and capacity by making comparisons. The children will be using lots of language to describe objects and the things they see when exploring the learning environment. 

Here is a list of some of the books we will be using this term.


The Gingerbread Man: Ladybird First Favourite Tales by Alan MacDonald

The Three Little Pigs

Little Red Riding Hood

Each Peach Pear Plum by Allan Ahlberg and Janet Ahlberg

Princess and the Pea

Ugly Duckling


Piglet to Pig lifecycles

Songs, Rhymes and Poetry

This Little Pig Went to Market

There Was a Princess Long Ago