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Art and Design

Art is not what you see, but what you make others see."

Intent - Why do we teach what we teach?

At Victoria Road Primary School, we believe that every child has the right to a curriculum that enables them to have a creative outlet and have a range of artistic experiences. We understand the immense value that having the ability to express themselves creatively provides for children’s emotional wellbeing. At Victoria Road Primary School, children will; 

  • Be taught with the aim to meet the National Curriculum Objectives for their year group 
  • Gain a toolkit of skills to enable them to express themselves creatively in a range of ways. 
  • Develop a good understanding of different types of art including drawing, form, printing and textiles. 
  • Experience a range of different types of art through studying different artists including local artists.   
  • Be immersed in Art so that they are confident and competent at drawing with scale and perspective and are able to represent their imaginative ideas in a physical way.  
  • Feel safe enough to express themselves without judgement or comparison with an understanding that the enjoyment of artwork is subjective and differences in opinion are celebrated when studying art. 
  • Take ownership of their own progression in art by focusing on self-assessment and gaining from verbal feedback from their teachers.  

Please see the document Art Progression of Knowledge and Skills for a detailed overview. 

Implementation - What do we teach and when?

We ensure a range of skills are taught and then built upon later in the children’s school career. Specific skills are mapped and taught at least twice during their time at Victoria Road. This enables children to build upon prior knowledge and progress in ability and understanding of different techniques. An emphasis is placed on the understanding of colour and drawing is an expectation in every unit of art, with some units having a specific drawing focus.  

The curriculum promotes practical learning, which is collated in sketchbooks. Large, 3D, experimental work is encouraged and photo evidence is collected. Units teach targeted skills in order to build up to a final piece designed and planned by the children. Units are usually planned to link in with termly topics to add to the immersive learning experience of a creative curriculum.  

Teacher marking in the sketchbooks is discouraged in order to maintain pride and care of the children’s creative works. In place of this,


  • collate assessment grids of children’s ability to meet ARE
  • give verbal feedback to progress skills taught in lessons
  • date and highlight each child’s has a year group cover sheet as objectives are covered.


  • self-assess in order to reflect on this feedback
  • complete success ladders at the end of each unit.  


When teaching art, teachers aim to create a safe environment where children feel brave enough to take risks and think outside of the box. They recognise that for some children, confidence can be a barrier in art and use ice-breakers and other tools to encourage these children.  


Impact - How children show that they know and remember more?

Children are assessed against the national curriculum and skills maps throughout the year. A list of children’s ability to achieve ARE in Art is collated and re-assessed throughout the year in order to pass this on to the subsequent year group teacher. This assessment is made based on observations of the children’s skills, completed submissions of learning at the end of a unit and a teacher’s overall judgement of a child’s aptitude.

The knowledge and skills taught can be applied in different contexts throughout the year and there are many other opportunities for art in addition to the 3 units per year through special events like RE/Art week. A scrutiny of work is also carried out at least once per year to ensure the quality of teaching is upheld and that each project is meeting the specific skills outlined in the progression of skills map

Art Knowledge and Skills Progression Map

National Curriculum